Secondary education in England

Secondary education in England  Universe Study


Although these terms are considered the best to start studying in England, it’s up to you when to send your child abroad. Parents are encouraged to book a place at least one year prior to the study.


The best age to enroll in an English private school is 13 years old (by 1st September). At this age, the student automatically gets in the 9th grade. This is the year before the two-year GCSE program. For a whole year the student will learn different subjects and smoothly come to the examination program. The standard program will include: mathematics, English, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography, additional language, computer science, sports, religion, and health sciences. Next year (10th) will require the student to select some subjects.


How can I prepare for entrance to the English boarding school?


First of all, you must have a good knowledge of English. It is better to learn English with native speakers. Very useful for your prepraration will be a trip to an English summer school.



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